Our Approach:
How Do We Do It?
We lay an essential emphasis on methodology. The manner of conduct is a fundamental fabric to our being. Our solutions materialize the universal codes of human rights that ought to be upheld. Our indicators are stationed in the international standards of a sound human rights based approach. The tools are borrowed from the tried and tested academic as well as policy interventions.
For any business to effectively carry out its human rights obligations, its essential to incorporate the outlook of various stakeholders, both internal (like employees, board of directors, shareholders, owners) and external (like consumers, communities, suppliers). Our “Stakeholder-Approach” is elaborately laid on the lines of data collection, case studies, rigorous reports, factory visits and inspections, as well as an extensive engagement with the community, while paying utmost reverence to the timeline.
We engage in a comprehensive training of employees with regard to human rights. This is done through sensitization programmes and a constant contact with the local communities to bridge the gap between businesses and the community.
We acknowledge that ‘one size doesn’t fit all.’ This also helps businesses to engage in a substantive dialogue with the community and hence negotiate further down the road. Our solutions, as such, remain intrinsically aware of the socio-cultural dynamics of the community.